I first bought this at the Shrewsbury show in August 2014, when is was labelled Scilla Nervosa...I have since corrected the original post! I am learning more about the lovely succulents that grow in South Africa, as this one does.
This is what it looked like
This is what it is like now:
I've placed the plant on a 'shady' shelf in the conservatory, where I can peer in with my short sight at the wonderful little flowers.
Its one plant that increases by growing more little bulbs...and is very easy to keep tidy..just pull off leaves as they die off, if you feel that it needs it. Maybe it is time to propagate and share this plant around? Since writing this post, I have discovered that Ledebouria is August's Plant of the Month at the British Cactus and Succulent Society.
This plant comes the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. I have learnt a new word by looking around: it is an epigeal bulb: growing and forming new bulbs above the soil. This in itself is an interesting aspect of the Ledebouria, since its display of purple skinned bulbs are part of its attraction.
I gather that the plant is poisonous if ingested, so keep away from children and pets: The Plant Rescue site gives a better explanation on how to grow this fairly adaptable plant.
I have this one ..it is a very sweet little thing . I love its speckled leaves ...one of my favorites :)