Sunday 14 August 2022

Chilli, cheese and Rosemary Polenta with tomato sauce

 Mandy a friend from Kenilworth and I frequently share our 'findings' on a number of topics, or are inspired by our blogging posts or Facebook musings.  Mandy and her husband have a superb allotment and love to garden to produce vegetables, fruit and herbs, and at the moment I would say that is her special super power.  She has others of course...

She shared her picture of  Chilli, cheese and Rosemary Polenta with tomato sauce which she had made some time ago, and I just wanted to do a little cooking or rather preparation in advance for the evening meal.  I found the recipe on line, but it is also in River Cottage Veg Everyday by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I just happen to have that as well as Much More Veg out from the library. Over these hot days when there is little strenuous work possible after 11 am, I have been going through these and adding little tabs on dishes I would like to cook. 

Dinner was enjoyed outside late in the shade: homegrown veggies and the chilli cheese and Rosemary Polenta wrapped in thin pancetta slices.  

I made the Polenta and cooled it in some oblong dishes, so that I could get some good chunky chip shaped pieces.  Some I wrapped in some thinly sliced pancetta, and the others left without. Except for the ones I was cooking that day, I have frozen them, to pull out and defrost and have for a 'ready made meal',  I open freeze them then remove them and add them to a  box in the freezer. 

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