After weeks we are having blue skies, and frosty nights. It is fine weather for a walk, and this walk offers views, sea air, exercise, and a bit of botanising and bird watching.
We've walking along to the end of the Brean Down Peninsula a number of times. We had thought of going of Sunday but with the fine weather, the car park and paths would have been very busy. It was a quiet Monday and therefore with picnic prepared we departed with no expectations other than just to just enjoy the outside.
The tide was going out, and when we sat right at the end in amongst the Victorian naval fortifications to eat our lunch, we watched the sea gradually receding to expose rocks. Earlier on our walk the morning sea mist gradually cleared to reveal clearly the islands of Steep Holm and Flat Holm with its lighthouse.
There are a few weather battered Hawthorne Trees, and on the less windy side towards the north of the promontory, this tree was having to bear a heavy load of ivy where the deep purple fruit will soon be ready to feed the birds.
Overlooking the Western Super Mare bay we paused to admire the views
Birdsong carried in the still clear air, and there were lots of LBBs, and robins.
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