She has one or two questions mind you, and with coming from a different country, and perhaps not speaking English constantly, came up with one: What does Stasher mean? Some of my friends are stashers too, and if 1 is low and 5 high, I would say I am only on level 2. I then gave her a few examples of the things I stash. They only fill small boxes or parts of drawers, and I know they will be used one day. One of my friends who has had a few weeks in the US and who is a very talented patchworker and quilter has admitted that she picked up some lovely fabrics there.

A new stash which is starting to grow is my stash of fabrics for crafting. On Sunday I set off all on my little own to Leicester to the Fabric Guild where I must have spent all my pocket money for some time! I then went on to spend a couple of hours at Quorn Hall, where a friend was spending a few days at a Quilting Gathering. I was made most welcome by all the ladies, and after a nice cuppa and chat with Jean Gentry, went round the five or so rooms looking at all the fabulous works in progress with Claire.

Hanging on the pegs are some of the bags made during the previous couple of days. Most ladies were working on their own projects too, and it marvellous to see fabulous quilts in the making. I enjoyed sitting with Claire as she worked on her hand pieced quilt. As she is going to show this, there was no question of her accepting my offer to help!
I could see that these ladies were in heaven....several days of excellent company, time to sew, all meals being provided and no clearing up to do at the end!
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