Monday 27 May 2024

In a Vase on Monday

Instead of placing today's vase on the mantlepiece, I've placed the taller arrangement on the hearth.  On the mantle piece I couldn't see down into the spathe and see the beautiful contrasting spadix.  

Last year when I saw a plant for sale at a reasonable price up at The Rocky Mountain Nursery, I decided to get one.  It is one of those plants that evoke many memories, and I know that it does well, as it is found in many front gardens in the vicinity.   It also doesn't mind the damp, which is a good thing as yesterday we had a stream of water following one of our footpaths.  We had the heaviest downfalls I have ever experienced: raining dogs and dogs!

I'm really delighted to be able to cut these 'not lilies' from our garden. My mother used to use these a lot in her floristry in the tropics as the flowers lasted quite well in the heat. 


Zantedeschia aethiopica, leaves of Arum italicum 'Marmoratum, and some unflowering stems of Sedum spectabile make up today's green and white vase. .  At times he has been in the garden or even in the conservatory but Doggie seems to have taken up the position here for some time.

I'm posting with others at Cathy's where there will be many more vases and tales to enjoy.


  1. Stunning vase beautifully placed.

  2. Love it! The Calla Lilies are wonderful. I have some, too. They seem to overwinter in their pot well during their winter dormancy, but I need to divide and replant next fall. Love them for cut flowers! Your Doggie is a perfect companion for the arrangement!

  3. Calla lilies are such elegant flowers Noelle and the arum and sedum leaves are a great companions. We have had much rain in the last week. Yesterday was memorable for the thunderstorm complete with a most dramatic volley of hail. I thought that the windows might be shattered 😱

  4. It's lovely havng plants that evoke memories for you and I am glad you are confident the Zantedeschia will do well for you. The arum leaves were the perfect choice to complement its pure white blooms, and the sedum foliage is something I would rarely think of for a vase, but why not?

  5. Zantedeschia can be hard to show off properly but you've done well by them both in keeping your arrangement simple (something I seem genetically incapable of doing) and finding the right spot to properly show them off. My own callas, inherited with the garden, put on a decent show this year due to a heavier-than-usual rainy season, but they're almost gone already.

  6. Lovely callas, Noelle. And you're right, placing them below eye level shows them to best effect. Eliza

  7. It's a beautiful flower and I thought it was a houseplant at first. I have never seen these in a garden in Germany. They certainly make a lovely arrangement with the Arum leaves. It is very wet here too, with torrential rain forecast for the weekend… the slugs are loving it!
