Saturday 5 October 2024

Pimping my porridge - I've been doing it for years

I was chatting to a couple of young people this week, that is just something I do, I love to chat to people, anyone I meet young or old. 

We were talking about breakfasts and they were really quite surprised that me, a seemingly old fogey, well they did not use that expression, but really to anyone in their early twenties, I am an old lady,  that I 'pimped' my porridge.  They were also really interested in the concept and asked me for ideas, which I shared.

This is just one example from this week: sweet cinnamon, demerara sugar, sliced banana and roasted pumpkin seed. It is never the same from one bowl to another.

If you are a breakfast person and love porridge, how do you like yours?

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