In my garden in Swindon, celandines were the local colourful weed, but I did not feel quite so welcoming to them, except under the plum and apple tree. I noticed in Basingstoke the grass verges were bright with primroses, and on our trip this weekend to Cirencester, cowslips edged the route.
Around Kenilworth, the woods are famous for bluebells, however I can report that only a few are out. We tried Crackley Woods yesterday and Bullimore woods today, but I reckon it will be at least a week before the show really gets off the ground.
Mmmmm, I know what you mean about celandines in Swindon, having spent a great deal of time painstakingly removing them from my new beds this spring. They must have got there from my compost, this time the weeds have been bagged up and given to the council for composting. I'd much prefer violets!