Wednesday, 3 April 2019


I'm awaiting New Rhubarb Plants.......there will be a wait of a year of two before I have garden grown rhubarb, as they are special new cultivars with no 'Summer dormancy'..but they will arrive in small pots: Poulton's Red and Pouton's Pride.

In the meantime I 'picked' up some beautifully pink and long and tender stems from the Rocky Mountain Fruit and Veg the same time had a saunter round the Nursery, and bought a potted up Gooseberry Invicta from the Nursery, which is already sprouting, and has been planted in 'The Gooseberry Corner".

Rhubarb Gin

Rhubarb, Rye and Almond loaves...with more than a passing thanks to Dan Lepard having a type of template in His Rye Apple Cake in Short & Sweet, page 136.


  1. Almond cakes with orange drizzle here today ... but ours were bought.

    1. They will still be delicious Diana, I am sure.

  2. Now there's food for thought. We've made damson and raspberry gin but never rhubarb. Thanks Noelle :)

    1. I made some last year as a pressie for 'My Valentine'....also about six weeks later, I remove the rhubarb, which is used in such things as Eve's Pudding, with a little added apple, and of course lots of almonds in the topping.

  3. Hi Did you ever get your Poulton Red and Poulton Pride rhubarb plants and where did you get them - how did they turn out?

    1. Yes I did, they were from D T Brown. They came as very small plants, seedlings really which took over two years to grow to any size, large enough to pick. Only one of the plants has grown to success, but that may be because they are not in the optimum site. If I were to buy rhubarb plants another time, I would get them from a grower in person and see the size.
