Monday 17 July 2023

In Vases this Monday - Mid July

At the moment Mr S feels overwhelmed with scent and pollen so for now, most flowers have been banished from the house. I think he has the lastest Covid strain which I believe I had a few weeks ago.  Now I am fully fit and back to exercising each day.

During the week I made up two posies in jam jars which hopefully were enjoyed by friends, but first they sat on tables in a friend's garden.  It was our WI President's 60th birthday and she had invited us all to tea at another friend.  Having tea with friends was one her 60 things to do in her 60th of year, and what made this special that it was actually on her birthday.  We had a fabulous tea in the bottom of a peaceful and green valley out of sight and sound of any road with the Mendips rising around us. Unbeknown to her we had a seperate whatsapp group where all the arrangements were made.  Although no presents were requested, we had a joint collection with 'secret contributions' to a joint gift.  Anne had transformed and held together over 70 members over the covid years, and enabled a myriad of interest groups to burgeon.  Anne is very much an enabler and with so many talented people in our group, it was a surprise to all how much was raised.  With a joint buying power and access to prime goods I think Anne will have had a birthday party tea to remember.

 After those vases,  more were quickly arranged for different sections at our gardening group summer party on Friday.

The brief was an arrangement of six different flowers from the garden.  At first I thought I would struggle but since I had cut twelve different flowers I thought I would made two arrangements.  I am by training very much a law, guidance or rule writer and reader and interpreter, but some rules if not tightly written can be widely interpreted and really next time I ought to consult the writer.  All the other contributors had made arrangements, yes with six different flowers but with far more than just one stem of each.  Even the invited judge was baffled by the larger arrangements, but the club said that is fine!  Hence none of these had a look in.  

For today on this IAVOM,  the prize could go to whoever may choose to spend their time identifying all the different flowers from these rather poor pictures. The prize would consist of a 'well done' from several of us.

Completely new flowers and making an appearance today on my blog are a new rose to the garden: Rose Timeless Purple and Chrysanthemum White Gem a Korean White Hardy Chrysanthemum with spoon petals, seen here 

At present both these arrangements have been plonked together with a bit of the greenery which was cut several weeks ago and is today sitting on the utility windowsill.  I can't bring myself to throw them into the recycling bin and they are a little too far gone to give them away now. 

I have very loosely adhered to the underlying rules and regulations but hopefully not the spirit of joining in with Cathy to show flowers from the garden for In a Vase on Monday.  Next week my usual one vase with named flowers will hopefully form the basis of my offering.  


  1. I love all the vases you have created...those first to for the tea are scrumptious. And I love the idea of just plonking flowers that catch your eye. I wouldn't dare to identify them all.

    1. In truth Donna, neither would I, as mostly I have to look up their names myself.

  2. What a lovely lady your WI President sounds, Noelle - and that's a sizeable group too. I know I would be really interested in joining a WI but have to accept that there would just not be enough time for another committment in my already busy life - well done for fitting it in yourself! I don't think I would have interpreted the brief as meaning JUST six stems. I am very intrigued buy your curious spiders...

    1. Oh, yes those spiders, I had not placed them there, rather I just put the case on the conservatory table. I bought those from a craft sale they are made up of one large bead with small ones for the legs. I like spiders, obviously not in the house, and there are so many varieties in the garden. .Mr S moves them and then suddenly I come across them and laugh, for example he had placed a large one on the warrior's head for it took me three days to notice!

  3. Such beautiful arrangements! I hope Mr S feels better soon.

    1. Thanks Nikki, but I couldn't get the light right for the pictures.

  4. I love all your arrangements, Noelle, but I adore the first 2 you prepared for the tea. And what a great birthday surprise you and your friends pulled together! I hope your husband recovers quickly.

  5. Your flowers make me smile. The tea sound such fun. Your Anne must feel very happy.
    Hope the hubby is feeling better soon.

  6. So nice to go to parties again, isn't it? Sounds like your WI tea was a great success. Your arrangements are lovely!
    Hope your spouse is feeling better...

  7. You are fortunate to have such a good WI leader and members too, and your get- together must have been nice. tüThe flowers are all lovely and I won't even attempt to identify them. But the pink on the right in the first vase would interest me. Is it oregano?

    1. Yes we have a great WI only yesterday we were at a member's for one of the four bookclubs, and she had a lovely garden too! As for the flowers is it the top picture with two arrangements? If it is top right it is Origanum Bristol Cross the one just below is Diascia Personata.
