Monday 2 September 2024

In a Vase on Monday on a very grey day

For IAVOM hosted by Cathy, I usually collect a variety of material from the garden.  

Today I offer this one element from my pruning in the garden yesterday in its simple grey vase,  The vase is perfectly sized and reflects the colour of the seed heads and also the weather today.

 The Eryngium Tetra Petra is able to add a striking element  perfectly balanced at the edge of the mantlepiece with gentle shadows against the plain wall as the sunshine through the window strengthens or as today lights are turned on in the gloom.


  1. Oh yes, perfect for your grey day, Noelle, although I hope yourself have not been feeling as grey yourself...? The plain white wall and grey vase really accebtuate the starkness of the eryngium, don't they? Sadly the two plants I grew from the seed you sent failed to get through last winter, which is a shame, as one of them had grown into a fairly strong plant

    1. Thanks Cathy, the wall is actually one of those fancy 'Shades Of' a perfect foil for the paintings etc around the room. Eryngiums can be quite tricky to grow, they need good light and excellent drainage. I nearly called the blog xx Shades of Grey.

  2. The pattern of the Eryngium is striking. I like the angularity of the vase--it seems to match the contents.

    1. Thanks Susie, I couldn't believe my luck when I spied the vase in a Charity shop quite a long way from home. It has a good balance and is heavy and I thought it would be ideal for roses.

  3. There is something quite soothing about the form and shape of the eryngium stems Noelle. I have never tried them because I think that they would not thrive in a mainly shady garden and also because I avoid prickly plants too with the exception of roses. It was a grey and murky start to the day here too after some very heavy rain last night. I hope that it brightened up for you as the day unfolded 🤞

    1. Thanks Anna, it was murky throughout, but the garden needed the rain. I avoid thorns hence the succulents rather than cactii!

  4. I love how these are a perfect structural vase....the shape is wonderful!

  5. Sometimes simplicity is perfect! And the vase is great with the 'Tetra Petra'!

  6. Perfect simplicity, Noelle, and the vase is very elegant. Eliza

    1. Thanks Eliza, anything more would have spoilt it.

  7. A lovely atmospheric vase Noelle, highlighting this beautiful plant on its own.I hope you do get sunshine again soon!
