Monday, 30 December 2024

Trial of coloured pencil drawing technique

 I'm just dipping my toe in a different art style.  I tried water colour botanic painting, and have often though maybe pencil drawing or colouring would be less messy and possibly easier.  Yesterday I found online some courses, with the possibility of  of attending an 'in person' course.

I downloaded an on line tutorial given by Linda Hampson. This is a free taster tutorial and over the course of a couple of sessions over two days, this is what I produced.

Yesterday I worked on the petals part of the rose...

Of course this is a first piece, a learning piece in which I learnt lots of technics and already I can see what I would do differently next time! Of course I had no techniques at all under my belt.


  1. I admire your work so much. Lovely creation!

    1. Thanks Susie, I shall be trying this using my own roses during the year.

  2. That's very impressive indeed. I was never much good with water colours.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well done Noelle! I dabbled with lansdscapes using watercolours many moons ago with mixed results .I should really try again.

  5. I'm really impressed with your pencil drawing Noelle, the rose is excellent. I hope you continue to enjoy the tutorial and look forward to seeing more of your drawings.
