Thursday 12 October 2023

Enjoying purchases from Wells Food Festival 2023

 We set off on foot to arrive at the Wells Food Festival early.  It was a warm and sunny October day, and we went through the tents which were already warming up, and by the time we left they were really crowded.

One of the items we brought back was a beautiful fresh soft Sheep's milk ricotta bought from Homewood artisan cheesemakers  Arriving home I trawled the various sites and also my recipe books for a recipe preferably for a cake.  In the end I have chosen just to enjoy in slices on a plate.  The first serving was alongside a couple of perfectly ripe sliced figs, the whole drizzled with local honey and topped with toasted walnuts.  

For lunch yesterday on a savoury twist I scattered pieces over our starter salad, on beetroot from the garden, and a home grown cucumber and mint salad with spring onions, all topped with a great dressing and pine nuts.

We also bought a selection of sheep and goat milk cheeses, Pear and Apple Juice from the trees of the Bishop's Palace, and a delicious pastry which we ate in the BP's Garden along with drinks ordered from their café. 


  1. A lovely place to have a food fair, your first serving is very mediterranean.

    1. I ended eating all the ricotta just as a 'garnish' across various salads including roasted pears. It seemed a shame to incorporate it into a bake where its beautiful character and texture would have been lost.
