Monday 8 April 2024

Towards a better Chelsea Bun

 By the time I had faffed around with various things yesterday, it was not till 10:50 p.m. yesterday that the Chelsea Buns were out of the oven.

Again I had not really researched my recipes correctly as I had an unplanned incident to deal with.  In the end I amalgamated 'Classic Chelsea Buns by Tamsin Burnett Hall, and Chelsea buns by Dan Lepard in his book The Handmade Loaf book which is on my shelf. So the verdict:  my friends this morning enjoyed them, but I would have liked a little more spice.  Maybe I had just not grated sufficient nutmeg on them.

It was interesting to read this article where Felicity Cloake discussed the merits of different recipes for the beloved Chelsea Bun.  Then again just by coincidence I happened to read that MP Greg Hands has lent his support to promoting this most English of Buns.  Of course other special local buns such as the Cirencester Butter Buns, are also much loved. 


  1. I love to make bread and Chelsea buns are a favourite. I have recently descovered this recipe which although not a traditional Chelsea bun it is a great bun especially if you like marzipan.

    1. Thanks Jane, I have some marzipan in the freezer, having made too much for our Christmas cake. I shall enjoy trying those. Many thanks.
