Monday 1 July 2024

Sweet Peas for In a Vase on Monday

Each week Cathy is the leader in Monday's Vase group.  Sometimes I join in, it has been a bit spasmodic on my part.  For the moment I am having problems: my voice has been compromised and I have been 'ordered' to rest it, which for those who know me is a big challenge!!! My fingers are fine, Mr S even joked that I would have to text him rather than talk....

Here are the first of the Sweet peas.  There are just these few stems to cut and I have not even thought of what to add to an arrangement to go with them.  Here my large terracotta soldier gives an idea of scale and height. I hadn't grown sweet peas for years and it was due to receiving a lovely packet of seeds of 'Mrs Bernard Jones' from my friend Mandy this Christmas that I came about to sow some again. I've just found growers of Sweet peas in Somerset and fully intend to learn more about growing them for next year: Somerset Sweet Peas.

The idea of the other prop of two large teacups came to me as I was reading Gill's post yesterday with associations of friends and breakfast customs.  At weekends starting off with 'Eggy Peggy' breakfast on Saturdays, we have these special cups and saucers.  They are very special to me as they came from a special friend at a difficult time. They only come out at weekends, and special days such as Bank Holidays and birthdays. 

They were a house warming present from my friend Judith (RIP), when we moved into our last house.  They were delivered on the very day we had the delivery of all our goods and chattels, in the box were these two cups and saucers, a teapot and cosy that she had knitted, and some very special tea, with a card saying just in case you haven't yet unpacked the essentials. Judith and I were gardening friends as well as knitting friends and much else.  With the banner 'How does your garden grow...and stylised sweet peas they are just the perfect prop, don't you think?  


  1. Oh I love the pink sweet peas and how you arranged them.. Those cups and saucers are perfect. Such a special gift.

  2. Sorry to hear about your voice. What a lovely arrangement--the flowers and the props! The mugs--very special for so many reasons. Thanks for sharing on this IAVOM Day. <3

  3. Oh I do hope that you recover soon Noelle. It's hard and frustrating to have to rest your voice 🤗 Those cups and saucers are so pretty and must hold a special place in your heart. Love the sweet peas! I'm most intrigued to know what is an 'Eggy Peggy' breakfast 🤔

    1. It is really getting me down, but I am trying to hold to myself the thought that the body does want to heal itself. Since I can't remember when Mr S gets me a lovely breakfast, which is more or less the same each week. I do not lift a finger, and am usually writing at the time. Including clearing the kitchen, he does do all the washing up and clearing anyway, he makes us a boiled egg breakfast, with all the trimmings. As you know I bake all our bread and create preserves, but everything is beautifully laid out in the conservatory, and he chooses of the eggs two of largest and times them to perfection, as well as making up a jug of coffee and pot of tea, and prepares the toast. I have to be seated for when the eggs are paraded in, and get a 3,2,1 minutes call so that I can get there in time. A simple breakfast elegantly served for Saturdays, or Birthdays.

  4. Gorgeous sweet peas snd such pretty cups and saucerd.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your voice, Noelle - it will improve after enough rest, will it? Certainly hope so 👍 And what a star Mr S is - definitely a keeper, as they say!! 😁 The sweet peas are so pretty, and the tea cups prop is the perfect trigger for reminiscing. So nice to have you joining in today, as it seems to have been a while

  6. Your pink sweet peas could stand on their own but they were made all the more perfect by the addition of the tea cups and their wonderful back story, Noelle. I hope your voice quickly rebounds with rest!

  7. The sweet peas are such a pretty color, Noelle, and I adore the special cups. Hope your voice heals quickly.

  8. Such a pretty pink Noelle. And the teacups are so sweet too. That was a very thoughtful gift. Sweet peas are something I have never succeeded with, so perhaps I should learn about them a bit and give it another go. Hope your voice comes back soon!
