Have you even taken part in extreme sports?.....I have, well my walk/climb/scramble across the scree of the Pyrenees with my sister is probably the most extreme sporting experience to date.
Do you have friends who knit?.......I do
Here is a picture of my knitting friend, knitting whilst doing an extreme sporting activity
Have you ever received a knitted present?
Here is the one my Extreme Knitting friend sent me as a house warming present. Her knitting is extremely good too!
Good knitters and good friends will think and plan for gifts which contain so much: memories such as cosy conversations over tea, tea which was brought from across the world and large cups in which leaves and flowers of infusions swirl around.
Even my dearly beloved is enjoying the benefits of the teacosy, now the weather is chilling. Tea in a tea pot kept warm, stays bright and fresh tasting...more time for talk etc. between cups!
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