Gallivant: to spend time frivolously, to gad about.
To gad: to wander about, often restlessly, idly or in pursuit of pleasure.
As a girl and since, I use this word to describe spending a few hours or a day going out and about, as if on holiday. Some of the day may have started with a specific aim in mind, it is not restless, but mainly restful, pleasurable usually very much so, and to be a good day out gallivanting, it is also fruitful or memorable.
At this stage of my life, I am taking every opportunity to enjoy the odd day out gallivanting. In the absence of Mr S, having a good friend to share this can only increases the pleasure. Last year when my sister Jenny was here, we have many a day out Gallivanting, and I became known as Galli and Jenny as Vanting.
Having looked up another word only a couple of days ago, I believe that I am a serendipitist, I seem to have the faculty of making happy chance finds. Well at the very least I take great pleasure in making chance finds, and I seem to get many. I think this therefore turns gallivanting into the opportunity of making happy chance finds, and looking for chance finds the reason to go gallivanting.
Friday was an excellent day. The weather was sunny and warm, and I had already agreed that Mr S should bus to work allowing me the use of the car should I wish it. I had been wondering how best to procure some linen for my new project, and had exhausted local sources. Having researched suitable haberdasheries within reasonable distance, I decided to visit a small town in the Cotswolds which was completely new to me: Shipston on Stour. I also found that Whichford Pottery was a short distance away, and planned to visit there too. I had admired their pots at Wisley only a short time ago, and had hankered after a quality English made pot, with Warwickshire, my new county's name on it.
A new friend and near neighbour, made an excellent companion. She was new to the area, needed some comfort amidst the recent sadness of having lost her mother, and looked forward to a day out gallivanting.
As we drove along, the countryside in its early summer splendour streamed by. We even stopped to admire the view, and at a wayside table outside a large kitchen garden, where I bought the first broad beans, and a pumpkin plant.
Shipston on Stour is a little gem of Cotswold Town. The architecture was typical, and the golden cotswold stone houses well kept. I found the Needlecraft Shop, and was amazed by the range of items available: knitting yarns, embroidery items etc. My eye caught a Dodo crewel work cushion kit, and was severely tempted. There was a room devoted to tapestry wool alone. They came up trumps supplying our craft group with an excellent piece of pure linen for embroidery. I shall return!

We spent over an hour looking round the town and the interesting range of shops. People in the town were very courteous and helpful. One home furniture store opened their chapel showroom for us, which had a wonderful range of sumptuous settees.

We went into a number of galleries and I could not resist going into a clock shop. My son loves clocks, and I always think of him when I see such a place. There had some beautiful period French Clocks, and some superb carriage clocks, which sticking one, reminded us that we needed to be on our way to the pottery and also find some lunch.

There were several English Potters exhibiting, and I was so pleased to find Laurence McGowan was still working, and there were a few items there which confirmed the details of the potter of my bowl which I have had from many moons ago

With my new Whichford Potter pot safely stashed away in the boot, we headed off for the local Inn where we had a excellent lunch sat on the lawn overlooking Whichford Green.
When I got home and reviewed our lovely day out with Mr S over a cup of tea, I got out the bowl and placed it on the windowsill to enjoy.

Lovely to read about your recent gallivanting and purchases. You are a girl after my own heart, although I'm not sure I would have resisted buying the cushion kit!!