I had charged up the phone as requested, decided to wear all the thermal layers and best waterproof outer layers, donned my yellow plastic MARSHALL tabard, grabbed the largest umbrella, and set off down the road to help out with the Two Castles Run. It was a very good turn out on the part of the runners, and what a hardy and brave lot they were. There were some notable runners: one chap running for water aid run in a tap costume, a young couple ran with their baby in a buggy, and there were some colourful costumes too, and there two young men with broken legs were running with crutches, and I noticed two good looking soldiers running with full back backs.
After a warm up with central heating, we set off for the Kenilworth and District Agricultural Show. The roads were running with surface water but as we approached the rain appeared to ease and as the afternoon progressed it did brighten up. Strengthened with buffalo burgers, ice cream and other goodies, we walked amongst the various exhibits, and there were lots of lovely young animals in peek condition to please the audience. I was going to say crowds but I fear that it was a very poor turnout this year. Mr S enjoyed seeing all the dogs, and his eye was caught by a very good natured Patterdale Terrier and her more lively pup.

The Alpaca Tent was full of lovely woolly beasts, and one of the owners was very pleased to show me the lovely fleece, when I explained it was one of my favourite yarns for knitting.

The cattle were very docile, and handled well. There were cows with their calves, as well as bulls.
I was pleased to see some spinners, and later in the main arena, I spotted this pair of horses, with natty crocheted head gear.
Mick Smith my usual Kenilworth honey supplier and bee keeper, explained the art or beekeeping with people donning suits and helping inside a netted enclosure. We bought the first of this year's honey, which Mr S is taking each day with nettle tea, and which is now keeping his hay fever at bay.
We could have done with more seats, I just had to take the weight off my feet:

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