The group has been going for many years, there are many newer members like myself, but alsothere are people who have been members and friends for many years. At a recent meeting, our President announced that two members had recently died, and that we were holding a coffee morning to mark their passing. As one of the members was celebrated for her shortbread, we would have a bring and buy cake stall. All the proceeds from the morning would be donated to two charities close to these ladies' hearts.
What a lovely way to celebrate these two women's contribution to the group. I overheard some lovely remarks about them. Kay our hostess made shortbread biscuits for the morning, and I certainly feel she is a worthy successor as Queen of Shortbread. I had to have more than one to check the batches, and also begged for some to be added to the sale table.

I came home with six perfect shortbread biscuits. That, however, was in addition to a "Boneka".

This beautiful doll came in its own attractive box, covered in the same fabric as the doll's garment. One of our recent new members lived in Indonesia for a while, and used to buy these frequently at her local market to help support the local crafts. Now back in the UK she was surprised by just how many she had, and very generously offered some of them for our sale table on this occasion.
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