Saturday, 8 August 2020

Six on Saturday - 8 August 2020

 During this week, we have had a few Ash Trees felled quite close to the garden, and already more light and breeze is coming our way.  It will be interesting to see what effect this has on the garden.  

Popping over to the Prop's anchor post, it was quite reassuring to find anguish and joy, something we all feel over our garden plants.

(1) Beans:  As the runner beans are coming to finish bearing beans on the flowers that came in the axils on the main leaders, lower down where I cut off the whole flowering stem as the last bean was harvested, new axillary shoots are forming, and these hopefully will provide a good harvest once more up to the frosts. These beans have several shoots growing up from the tuber which overwintered without any forethought.

Just in time the climbing purple podded French Bean Cosse Violette are coming into production. 

(2) Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise
Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise awaiting the strawberry blush, which should start to appear soon.

(3)  Fuchsia Happy Wedding Day

Back in March, when our gardening club meeting was cancelled, the chairman left a few plug plants on my step.  All members were to have been given one.  As they developed, following a couple of potting ons,  and were looking good, I gave all but three away.  Two petunias in tubs are magnets for some chewing foe which I am yet to identify, catch, dispatch, but here is the Fuchsia, which has been quite immune.  Would I have stood  a reasonable chance on the bench for our competition, had it taken place?

(4) Astilbe chinensis  var. pumila has to be amongst my top 10 favourite plants in the garden.  I've had it for years, bringing it on through to its fourth garden.  Its flowers are just starting to open.  The sad thing is, I very nearly lost it last year, as it was choked by surrounding plants.  Imagine what it is like for me, trying to shoe horn plants old, and new ones.  This taught me a lesson, and now I am in the middle of revamping the Conservatory Bed.  This means the removal of some plants, repositioning of a few, watering and mulching.

(5) Grown from my own saved seed, I now also have several clumps of Allium carinatum  subs pulchellum  flowering in the front garden.  The early flowering alliums are over and these dainty heads are taking their place in the annual allium parade, but not easy to catch with the lens as they sway in the merest of gentle breezes, or if a bee swings under its blooms.

(6)  Origanums

Origanum laevigatum  Herrenhausen with its stiff stems and dark stems

and Origanum Bristol Cross has intriguing flowers, and the bracts make 'chains' that continue to grow longer.

Both much beloved by bees, bumble bees etc.  Hope you have a good week's gardening, and find things to keep your mind off the greater world beyond your boundaries, even for just an hour or two.



  1. Oh, boy... now I'm on the hunt for another ornamental oregano! That's on my definitely need to find list!

    1. I'd love to know which ones you have already. We could have done some swaps, but I don't think the long journey would suit them.

  2. Those chains are fascinating! It is a frightening thing to almost lose a favorite plant. So glad you helped your astilbe thrive again.

  3. The Allium carinatum subs pulchellum are pretty - like floral fireworks.

  4. top tip on the runner bean pruning there, i will remember that for next year. all my beans are late this year, late plantings. we've had a few beans but the glut will be in september, i suspect.

  5. Just nipped over from looking at your IAVOM post and I realise I am not actually 'following' you, which I thought I was - must rectify that! Love this allium, especially with it beng a later flower. Is it reliable? I need to add it here if it is. Good to see your oreganum - I have had this for a year or two but mine is still floppy - does it take a while to get to the stiff stem stage?

    1. Yes, the allium is striking and very garden worth. It takes two seasons before it flowers from seed. Would you like me to save some seed for you? The Origanum laevigatum Herrenhausen was like this the first season, the Bristol Cross is more lax, but I prop up with some twigs once it is flowering.
