It has been raining during the day time every day, except for one or two hours of weak sunshine here and there, for ages. Sometimes it has been much clearer at night, and I hope it will be so for the full moon on the 31st. Cathy who hosts this meme has been getting some sunshine, and her vase this week brings together some choice pieces for is well worth visiting her IAVOM, and through the comments and links to others see how plants and flowers are faring not only across the UK but also far and wide.
Just outside the conservatory one of the special snowdrops bought at last year's Shepton Mallett Snowdrop festival, has had just the one bloom. Galanthus Elweseii has such lovely markings and I hope that when it gets planted in its permanent position it will clump up. I love its broad glaucous leaves, which I left to feed up the bulb.
In support I have a standard small snowdrop, a few cyclamen, a very sodden stem of winter flowering Jasmine nudiflorum, a fern leaf, a struggling stem of Erysium linifolium 'Bowles Mauve', overwintered bud of Ghislaine de Feligonde, and a couple of stems of Lophomyrtus ralphii Little Star. I had been growing this gem of a small shrub in a pot since I acquired it back in 2014. It is much milder here and seems to be thriving in the ground, where I planted it out last autumn.
I wonder whether there will be another new to me galanthus to temp me when I visit the Shepton Mallett Snowdrop Festival next month, in company with fellow IAVOM Alison C. I will also be sure to go to the Wells snowdrop event at the Bishop's Palace.