Friday, 5 January 2018

Out with the old and in with the New

Just as they have been pointing out in the news, I have been aware for a long time that there are mountains and oceans of plastics and lots of non recyclables to contend with.  I still like to have a paper diary, and go for the cheapest as they usually have card covers. 

Back in 2011 I made my first cloth diary cover using some of the techniques which we were being guided through each week by our WI president and craft queen bee Kay.  Ever since I did my first bit of quilting, and that is something for me who had until then just sewed on the odd button or mended a hem that had come undone: First Quilting

The Last Diary Cover was made in 2011, so it has lasted seven years...and will go into the recycling bin.

When I came to change over my diary on the first of January, at first I thought it would just need a good wash as it had a couple of years ago, but then looking at the spine, I noticed that it was starting to fray.

My current handbag...and those who have known me for some time wont be surprised, is still bright and jolly, a sort of mango or pumpkin colour.  So for a new cover I decided to use bits and pieces which I already had in my stash.  Rummaging through I found just the right combination, together with threads, silks, and cotton batting.  In the end I just used a thick cotton quilting thread, in black and also mango.

I found that quilting on the black showed up the dragon fly motifs perfectly.

Here is the finished diary on one of my project bags.  The dragon fly fabric was first used when we were working on a  Cathedral Patch work trial.  I was pleased to make up a bag with it:  Cathedral Patchwork Bag.  This is another project I completed at the Kenilworth WI craft afternoon. When I have a small project on the go, whether sewing or knitting, I gather all the essentials into one of my project bags.

Here is my very cheap diary, for which I paid less than £1...the front cover fits into the sleeve, which can also accommodate all those notes, club membership cards and annual passes etc....

For the inside back sleeve, a little dragon fly motif finishes this off nicely.  This is where I keep all those vouchers....

I've spent a few hours when it was wet and windy outside, completely at ease, in peace, with only needle and scissors, using all the lovely techniques I was shown.  As I sipped on my lemon verbena tea this afternoon...the last stitches were put in place.

I wonder how long this one will last?  Maybe I should make a reserve one?

1 comment:

  1. I no longer use a diary (just a desk calendar)

    But your cover is delightful!
