Sunday 7 January 2018

Portreath Socks

When I started the first of the Portreath socks, I had to draw in my own chart and colour code it, as well as alter a couple of the symbols to make sense of the pattern.  There are many ways of making things as easy as possible.  This is much easier than reading from a small black and white chart, and there is room for me to tick off lines and have column repeats.

I decided to make the sock leg length twice as long as the pattern, with four repeats of the pattern and also made a change to the bottom of the sock.  This is the first sock pattern that I have come across where the pattern results in a completely reversible sock with a very different effect.  The designer Faye Perriam gives a garter stitch sole, but I have opted to change this to a stocking stitch, with the 'wrong side' ie purl looking facing the way the sock is knitted, and the smooth side will be on the reverse and balances the pattern on the leg and top of the foot.

Now onto the second sock....

Just picked up my knitting again after a lovely walk onto to the levels, past the first of the hills with a view to Glastonbury straight from home....its just the day for stretching ones legs:  sunny, and very cold, and not raining!

I've just read up that Portreath is a pretty little Cornish seaside's wishing I'll be down there to  pose with my socks before they are worn out.


  1. Is that slate a magnificent floor, or your table?
    We had something much simpler than that in our Porterville house. Now it is laminate.

    1. It's our conservatory table.. I love stone, so when I saw this one, it had to come home with me. The removal men were surprised by the weight. It makes a good heat sink and helps warm the conservatory in the evening too

  2. It looks like you have a handy method for charting out your patterns. Have you ever tried using the knitCompanion app? If so, how did you like it? I also hope to hear of your ramblings to, in, and around Portreath. Cheers!

    1. For now I work with my knitting journal, where I make notes on my thoughts during knitting. My knitting is a meditative type of occupation, and often solutions to completely different things come up, as if part of my brain completely unrelated to Knitting is also fired up.
