Monday 6 March 2023

Slicing Smoked Salmon

 I realise that not everyone has friends who smoke their own Salmon, and to the point smoke salmon and share it with friends.  In a neighbouring village in one of  'the rooms', which makes up a wing of outbuildings to their ancient house, a few times a year, when it is cool enough, smoking begins.  Calls go out to friends in advance of this, and on receipt of the ordered sides of salmon, we all await the call to tell us to collect ours. 

This time I have chosen to slice some thin slices and some thicker sashimi-style slices.  I now freeze portions just right for us for one sitting, as it is easy enough to take several out of the freezer if required.

A large platter get covered with the slices and this how it starts up.  Finally the portions are then covered in film to protect against frost burn, and then go in for a fast freeze. 

After a few hours, I shall box these up in a sealed contained.  The trimmings and the tail piece will be made into smoked salmon terrine later today.  This is the third side of salmon and with the longest blade knife I have the slices are easily cut. 

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