I can't believe it is now February. I seem to have been rushing around, yes doing things, some time on the PC catching up with friends and some time surfing, doing things for people etc. I feel I just want to slow down for a bit.
I feel a big tidy up coming on, partly because I seem to be misplacing papers, I am sure I shall come across the things when I start to have a big sort out.

We seem to be having waves of cold weather with snow, then ice, and then a thaw. I know what a toll this is taking on the roads, as with some friends on the way to a WI quiz, the car we were travelling in, went through the most enormous pothole, which resulted not in one, but two flat tyres. When we moved up to Warwickshire we felt the roads were very nearly the worst we had ever come across, and this is confirmed almost every time we travel out of the county!
Val was driving along on a very dark country road, and suddenly round a bend in front of us, we saw two cars with their hazard lights on. Maybe if our attention had not been momentarily drawn towards these vehicles, we may have noticed the pothole in time to avoid it. The other cars were parked up having had the same damage! It has turned out that two new alloy wheels are also needed, and maybe more to do with the suspension. The vehicle recovery lorries arrived almost in convoy, as well as the Warwick patch repair van, and the police. Needless to say we did not make the quiz, nut I am sure our team would have done well on the night!
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