Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Garden addition

Its never envy:  only admiration.....

When you visit a great garden, and you see one plant performing beautifully.....

Read up about it, study its requirements and cultivation, and find the ideal spot....

Then a few days later on a visit to one of your bestest fruit and vegetable stalls which at present is up at Rocky Mountain nurseries....

And you bump into the friend who took you to see this wonderful garden and its creator....

Then before you choose your fruit and veg, you pop into the nursery, for a quick tour, and see the plant your friend had also admired: the plant you both wanted....

And you rush back, and they are just reversing out of their parking space.....

Its no wonder that you both go and get yourselves one.....

I call this Serendipity

Later my friend tells me that she liked it so much, her husband was going to get her a second one.......



  1. my friend and I were both interested in that willow as well. But no one sells it locally so we could not decide if we wanted to take a chance online.

    1. Have you a preferred on line garden plant supplier? Or maybe you will have a local specialist plant fair? Perhaps you could ask your local supplier if they would get this as a new line? You could always buy one plant and propagate it yourself...then share with your friends. I'll post pictures of how it performs over the coming months. Hope you manage to source a plant or cuttings.
