Monday, 10 June 2019

In a Vase on Monday - Choices

Potentially there are so many choices to be made.  The real nub is deciding....

In the end a simple vase of Rosa Open Arms.  The shrub needed a little prune to allow good strong shoots to grow up unhindered by the first shoots following the successful planting from the cutting stage.  This is Mr S's favourtie rose, which I managed to take cuttings of before moving.  

Rain and more rain is forecast for this week, therefore most of today has been spent catching up with garden cutting back.  As it is with me and newly planted areas, some plants were planted too close together, too many volunteers left to outgrow their space, and growing much taller than anticipated was a very vigorous plant of honesty: Lunaria Annua Chedglow.  

Lunaria and Briza Maxima join the graceful flowers of Chiastophyllum oppositifolium. The newly planted shrub Phlomis fruticosa Bourgaei had all its flowering stems removed and I felt the handsome structure of the seed heads deserved to feature as well so a second vase was quickly put together this afternoon.

As the wind and rain is likely to topple the large Lunaria over for the second or third time despite obviously inadequate staking, the whole plant has been prepared..hope I've done it right....

Over now to link in with Cathy who hosts this meme, and see what beauties are being showcased this week. Cathy's is the Very Pink of  Perfection.


  1. Glad the rose cuttings were succcessful, especially as they are Mr S's favourite rose - they make a pretty vase indeed, but I especially like your second vase. The shades of green are all wonderful, what a glorious combination! Thanks for sharing, Noelle.

    1. Thanks Cathy...all greens are not the same, and as I found when looking what to put together, not all seem right....the slight touch of yellow works with the sage green.

  2. That rose is beautiful, such a lovely colour and I do like the simple open look. Your Lunaria looks perfect for drying. It's In Vogue to have the green pods you won't even need to 'peel' it all. Love the green vase look. Plenty of rain here too and plenty of things outgrowing their spaces!

    1. Some of those hanging are for you you want them in the green?

    2. Bless you! Whenever it suits you is fine. I'm sure we'll meet up soon.

  3. That rose is beautiful and looks great backed up by the small statue. This is my second sighting of Brizia maxima today and I'm envious as my plants never bloomed for me.

    1. Dear Kris...I was warned last year about it reseeding. They are dotted around the garden now. It strange how a plant appeals if it difficult or in someone else's garden. A few stems are lovely, but what to do with buckets full? Maybe just leave a few clumps another season, they may flower then.

  4. I am fond of single roses, yours is esp. lovely in bud. Your nearly monochromatic second vase has great texture - very attractive!

    1. Thanks Eliza....the colours reflected the day, which was grey with billowing clouds. For some reason I felt they summed up my feeling which was quite flat after having to cut back plants.

    2. Used to love my Mermaid rose - but truly no space for it here.
