Monday, 10 January 2022

In a Vase on Monday - New Vase

 This is the lovely vase my friend Jean brought over for my birthday.  I even received a box full of narcissi from The Isles of Scilly sent by my cousin, but sadly they bring on such a pollen allergy, that they cannot form the basis for my arrangement.

Instead I picked some catkins which were on a branch brought down by some high sided vehicle on one of the narrow lanes down to the levels.  After walking all the way round 'Our Hill', I picked a few stems to show off the vase. Most of the catkins were fully dangling in the breeze  in open sites where the warm weather of the previous week had brought them out.  This hazel tree was in a cold damp shady spot, where the banks are covered by Hart Tongue Ferns, so was picked whilst the catkins were still tight.  Before a few days have past they will probably act as cat deterrents amongst the miniature bulbs.

Jean said the vase was signed but probably an 'apprentice' piece.  It is very heavy with just the right sized opening, and with nothing quite that size a perfect member of my various vases. 

The Narcissi were 'delivered' to three of my friends, and in memory of the present I shall spend the equivalent on some miniature daffodils for the garden, and thus remember my cousin's present each year.

I'm one of Cathy's many followers on this weekly In a Vase on Monday slot. You can link in and view her vase and many others, should you wish.  


  1. The catkins bring good effect to your beautiful new vase. Glad you found a way to enjoy through sharing, the thoughtful Narcissi.

  2. I love the structure of the stems in your twiggy vase, and the actual vase was a lovely gift - as you say, the size of the neck makes such a difference to arranging anything in a vase

  3. Oh that's a most splendid vase to join your family of vases Noelle and the perfect choice to display those catkins in. A shame about your cousin's gift but sadly some scented flowers can have that overwhelming effect.

  4. What a delightful vase! A shame about the narcissi, but you found a clever way round it.

  5. What a beautiful new vase, and a perfect plant to add to the vase.

  6. I love your new vase, and the catkins look just right in it. Belated happy birthday wishes too!

  7. A very nice new vase Noelle. I can also not bear the pollen of daffodils, which is a shame as they do bring spring into the house. But your catkins are a pretty alternative until they start to open.

  8. A simple and beautiful vase, very much to my liking. Pity you're allergic to daffodils in the house but your way of sharing is very thoughtful.
