Lucky me for having so many nice things happening this month. Firstly I've have some special days with my new Grand daughter, its a privilege to be a Grandma, and have lovely cuddles and plays etc.
In addition to this, my 'baby' sister spent a lovely weekend with us, and top of her list of wants was a visit to one of our local blue bell woods.
Early in the month, I was on duty at Kenilworth in Bloom's Spring plant sale. Mr S came to help, and we made a useful team on the sales desk. Being a helper has its advantages in that one can buy plants before the hoards turn up. I chose some choice perennials grown by a member. The quality was excellent and they had been on my to buy list for our next days' visit to the Malvern Spring Show. However I did not have time to get the hanging baskets I had set my eyes on and other annuals before the crowds arrived, and sadly they had all gone before I had my chance.
Our trip to Malvern Sprin Show with Kenilworth Gardening Club resulted in a few purchases: two choice show auriculas, and some succulents etc. One thing I learnt, was not to go on the last day, when one does not have the choice to stay for the big sale at the end, and when most of the very special plants have all been sold! We did have probably the best day of a cold week, and there is so very little room left in the garden!
I also loved Rebekah's stall with its large pots of salad leaves. Veronica grows these, and I really thought I had found the ideal little present for her and a number of gardening friends but unfortunately all the packets of wonderful mixtures had sold out completely.
In addition I revisited the two auricula growers and the succulent stands several times!
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