Friday 18 March 2016

Iced Buns

The recipe for mid March from the Face Book Group is on page 92 of The book of Buns:  Iced Buns.

This is just the right recipe for today Friday Bun Day.  Mr S will be delighted when he comes home this evening, and I wonder whether he will fish out 'The Railway Children' to watch.  He loves both the earlier and later versions of this film...and will surely remember the saving of the iced buns to celebrate Perk's birthday.  Very often this is the bun of choice when a bun is needed from a Baker's Shop.

Here are what 12 cooling buns look like

I opted to make this a little smaller at 60g dough weight giving 16 buns, of which two I decided to try out in a different shape.

When Mr S will go for an iced bun, I go for a Belgian Bun, so another time I shall work out what put the 'Belgian' in the bun!

I've opted to ice just six buns, with the rest going into the freezer.  With a little lemon added to the icing sugar, I think I made the icing too thin...but I have the others to practice on with slightly thicker icing.  I think there is more icing on the counter than on the buns...I could have added more icing sugar to thicken up the mixture, but it was too late by the time the icing was on and dribbling down the sides.


  1. As I stood in the bakers last week, buying hot cross buns (couldn't resist), two young men came in and looked over the offerings behind the counter. "Is that an iced bun?" asked one. In my mind, I answered "no, it's a cauliflower" or something similarly sarcastic, but the sweet assistant simply nodded and said "Yes, it is".
    The two young men chose one each and went off on their way and I must admit, I admired their choice. There is nothing better than a freshly made iced bun (?iced finger?) with the possible exception of a freshly made hot cross bun ;-)

  2. The buns look fantastic, Noelle, they call to mind my former baking days and memories of hot sticky buns that melt in your mouth.
