Monday 24 July 2017

Summer Visitors

Even though we are a long way from being 'straight' after our move, have still our best china in boxes, and have umpteen projects in the pipeline to bring this home to what we would like it to be...our best friends and family are happy to come and take us as we are...and we are overjoyed to have them visit and show off our new County.

Last weekend my cousin visited and we attended an open day at the Wells Almhouses...They have some attractive courtyard gardens

From their chapel I give you the Angel of the Day:  St Matthew as found in some floor tiles

To one side are seats with a stone canopy...they made for a charming place for sitting and watching the world go past.

We went on to visit the Bishop's Palace and this week there were some interesting performers from unusual 'hot house specimens'

To the large Indian Bean tree in full flower....

and a spot of posing for Angel of the Day

As well as walks up Ebbor Gorge, with visits to the Cathedral and Vicar's Close, the market etc and many opportunities for dog training...Pat and Breeze had a great visit...

1 comment:

  1. Great to have a chance to explore your new environs.
