Saturday, 4 May 2019

Fern Cyrtomium fortunnei - Arching Japanese Holly Fern

In April I posted this picture to showcase the coloured leaves on the Epimedium.  I was asked about the fern in the foregroud.  Sadly then I couldn't find making a note of where and when I had acquired it.  It was a special in a large pot which finally got planted in the shade border last year.  With thanks to Steve and Kerry from Fernatix, whom I shall be sure to visit on their stand at The Malvern Spring Show this coming Friday, I have now identified it.

It is Crytomium fortunei sometimes called Arching Japanese Holly Fern.  It stands out in the border with its yellowy green leaves.  It stayed green all winter, but just as soon as I saw that new leaves in the centre were starting to unfurl, I cut down last year's growth.  Also The RHS confirmed the identity  Thanks to everyone, and I have learnt also that it comes from the Temperate regions in Asia, and 'No pruning required but frost-damaged fronds can be removed in spring'. 

Cyrtomium fortunei


  1. Enjoy Malvern! I'm going too but on a different day.

    1. It was a great day out...not enough time to get around everything! Brought back five plants...and lots of great encounters with specialists particularly on the Clematis Society and Fuschia Socisty stands.
