Wednesday 5 October 2022

Reading still - another book by Esther Freud

 Yes I am still reading and just by coincidence perhaps another example of serendipity, Anna just commented on the post for our last holiday.  I replied that Noss Mayo had a similar effect as did Walberswick, and I went over to see if I visited since I started my blog. Yes I had, and that post mentioned the first book I read by Esther Freud set very much against the countryside around Walberswick. Now I do recommend Mr Mac and Me.  It is a historical novel set in Walberwick featuring an iconic architect and designer Charles Rennie MacIntoch.  As I read, I could follow in their meanderings around the village.

Mr Mac and Me is quite special and found  mmerching some of the pictures mentioned in the novel, such as his Fritillary painting

I found an excellent site describing MacIntoch's home in Florentine Terrace, Glasgow and its reconstruction. It is over ten years since we visited 78, Derngate, Northampton, a house remodelled in 1916 by MacIntosh. There are some excellent videos for me to revist and learn more about its refurbishment.


  1. Oh Walberswick is most pleasing to the tongue too Noelle 😂 That's a book and author I've not come across and it sounds rather intriguing. I will certainly be looking it up.

    1. It is such a charming place, and I am so pleased we stayed there several times. I remember finding a large group of purple orchids in a hollow not far from the shore, there were hundreds, but just walking along you would not have seen them from the path but I am curious and climb every little hill to have a view. There are also wonderful birds and so many other wild flowers.
