Wednesday 22 April 2020

Easy parsley growing

Have in mind where you want your parsley to grow.  It could be in the soil in your herby area, or mixed in with your flower border, in a tub, or window box.  Prepare the soil as best you can. Add a little fertilizer if you have any, remove any weeds.  It does need a little sunshine, four hours a day will do.  Water the soil well.

Choose your pot of parsley from the supermarket.  The better type for splitting would be one that is on the young stage that is not root bound, and not too crowded.  In these times you have to go with what is available.  Water it well the night before.

Take it out of the pot.  Decide how many clumps you want.  This one pot could have made six or eight.  I wanted four.  If you wanted just one in the garden, I would say still divide as you want the maximum of four little plants in each clump.  You can always put some back into pots to put on your windowsill or give away.

 Here I've put the divisions between my garlic.

Water well.  Remove some of the larger leaves carefully with scissors..use in your next meal...lovely on scrambled eggs.

If you have some fleece or old net curtain..use this to offer some shade for the first few days.  Give the little plants a good watering about once a week if they are in the ground, more freqently if in tubs.  Don't over water.

This way you have parsley for at least a year.  After that being a biannual, it will bolt.  Best start again. 

There is lots out there about parsley, this is just a short post to inspire you to grow easy parsley the easy way.

PS I took five of the fattest cloves off a head of garlic which I bought to use in the kitchen last August from Frances,:a local back garden grower of herbs and salady things, who has a small local band she supplies to.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good technique to make the most of supermarket herbs Noelle and easy to do with others like chives and basil. It sounds as if you belong to a good band.
