Monday, 25 November 2019

In a Vase on Monday - Still flowering

Just like Cathy who hosts this weekly gathering, it seems to have become a habit to mention the weather: low light, a gentle stirring insufficient to dry anything off  but frost free, is what we are experiencing today and it seems set in ,with the 'promise' of rain for a few more days,

The front garden is only just past 'the twinkle in my eye' stage.  All of the components this week are courtesy of plants from there.  Agapanthus Charlotte which I featured on SOS continues to amaze.  Only planted out in September, they have continued to flower.  The flowers on Agapanthus Charlotte do not set seed, but we shall see how the plants perform next year.  The downside is that already the pollen of the agapanthus is affecting me, so this is probably the one and only time it will be picked for IAVOM.

A few stems of Lonicera nitida 'Baggensen's Gold from plants I established two and three years ago, and a leaf of a hardy geranium which had blue flowers complete the small arrangement. I found this hardy geranium growing amongst bluebells in the front side border, growing very poorly, and over the last two years moved bits.  There are nice clumps now established between the Lonicera which border the parking space.  I have spent a little time trying to identify it, but have now given up.  Gold star to anyone who helps identify this geranium.  Whilst trawling different pictures of autumn coloured leaves of hardy geraniums I came across Geranium 'Orion', which I have now added to my list of plants to look out for next year. 


  1. Oooo I love that geranium leaf! And the agapanthus of course! But that leaf really shines on a classic UK November day! Amanda

  2. Lovely. I'm a big fan of Agapanthus, something I'm unable to grow here successfully. The colorful geranium leaf pairs well.

  3. How wonderful to have that agapanthus bloom, and what a shame about te pollen... :( I have a G sanguineum 'Shepherd's Warning' which has glorious foliage in the autumn but it has pinky purple blooms

    1. Isn't it good when a plant performs when in flower and then later too. This is no 14 of different types of geraniums in the garden. The Sanguineums have smaller leaves and I agree they make great plants for the front of borders. As they are unaffected by s & s they do very well indeed.

  4. Beautiful colors, you would think I could grow Agapanthus in Florida, but not a bit of luck with that so I can admire yours. Thought the Geranium was a Hibiscus flower!!

  5. Wow! Even here where Agapanthus are so common and our climate is so mild, you don't see Agapanthus blooming in November. You have a magic touch, Noelle!

    1. I think it is just because it was a young plant. However I think that because it does not set seed, it does not get a check. Next year it will be interesting to see how it behaves.
