Friday, 1 November 2019

Plant of the Month November 2019 - Euonymous alatus compactus

It may just be a meager specimen and a shadow of its future self...but here in the garden over the last few weeks...holding on well to its leaves is Euonymous alatus compactus.  I am choosing this as plant of the Month in my garden.  I wonder what your Plant of the Month might be?  Do make a note in the comments and mention my page too on your post, if you have one.

During the year it 'steps into the background' ....not drawing attention to itself, except that I love to peer at its winged stems.  This is a shrub I shall have learn not to trim for flower arranging material as it is slow growing.  In the spring I shall give it a good feed to try to spur it on.

I have often admired this shrub in botanic gardens, and earlier this year it was featured in one of the largest show gardens at The Malvern Spring Show :The Leaf Creative: Garden of Quiet Contemplation, designed by Peter Dowle. I loved the way the Euonymous was placed between purple leaved acers and underplanted with tiarellas and the simple round daisy Erigeron karvinskianus.  I took the picture as a reminder of its potential and possible planting combinations.


  1. Oh that spindle is a beauty Noelle!

  2. I have a young one growing on in a pot while I decided where to plant it!

    1. I love plants in pots...could stay there a few years, and you could move it around to enjoy in different parts meantime.
