Saturday, 30 November 2019

Six on Saturday - 30 November 2019

The propagator who planted the seed of this weekly gathering of plant lovers has thankfully a brief post, unlike mine.  This week I have a resume of the development of the back garden with particular reference to the gravel garden over three years....

"Your use of gravel makes everything stand out. Is it hard to work with on that scale?"  Since Lorna asked this question last week, I could use pointers as part of my SOS this week.  

One -Layout end of November 2019

Yes everything seems to stand out well.  With the backdrop of the evergreen oak, we chose pale coloured local  stone to help with light conditions in the garden, and form a contrast to plants.  It also helps with access and drainage.  The rotary washing line fits in a pipe buried under the circular slate stone in the area closer to the house.  

The area 15cm beyond this grey stone is my true gravel garden area where I am planting bulbs and other low growing plants that will thrive in these conditions without watering etc.  Apart from the veggie area which is bordered by chives along one edge of the gravel garden, I aim not to do any watering except for newly planted items  or plants in pots anywhere in the garden.  

All the cardboard has been absorbed, as I found out when I started to plant into the gravel garden this summer.  When planting small plants or bulbs the gravel is moved well aside from the planting hole,  a hole just large enough to accommodate the bulb or plant is made and a little bone-meal in scattered at the bottom and a little soil tumbled in before planting. The soil is leveled and the plant watered in, then the grit is swept back round the plant.   Seeds such as the Eryngium Silver Ghost were just scattered on the surface of the gravel early this year, worked their own way down through the gravel and seedlings emerged within a few weeks.

On a very modest scale as can be seen here, we did it slowly the easy way all by hand and we did it all ourselves.  If you let your mouse hover over the pictures you will get an idea of dates,

Two - There was lawn

This is what the garden looked like in June 2017 when the builders had just finished the conservatory and the grass just starting to recover.  We moved the position of furniture several times, sat in different areas etc. We knew that we didn't wanted any grass/lawn in either front or back gardens.  

Hot Summer 2017 - Conservatory completed

Three - The waiting game as plans are hatched

For the  winter of 2017/2018 having bought the seating area stones, the outer slabs of the seating circle acted as stepping stones through the grass.  The circle was temporarily sited, but eventually moved in the final plan onto a properly prepared level area.   I just had to get some of my plants into the ground, which had been been in the main untouched since the house was built.  More compost than I can imagine went to topdress the soil, and much cardboard was used underneath to smother the weeds.

Four  To dig or not to dig - conserving and moving soil

No soil from digging out the gravel area between the conservatory and from under the new shed left the garden, as it was used to adjust levels towards Gooseberry Corner.  The land sloped down towards the right quite steeply and moving barrowloads left a more gentle slope.

In this picture Mr S is fixing the edges on top of the turf.  I had also been reading up about the no dig gardening system.  Under the paths with the stepping stones we used a plastic weed controlling membrane.  In hindsight I wished we had not used this, cardboard from packing cases would have been quite sufficient.  Of course, being able to call out instructions from an upstairs window is a great advantage.  We often had days without going further, and looking at the layout and adjusting curves and the width of the path and position of the stepping stones.

Five  Gravel Garden Area 

For a person who loves plants the aim is to have as much growing space as possible.  However we thought a gravel area would give that flat area across which to enjoy views of the Acer bed were needed, and be reasonably free of plants to walk across to get to the 'Potager'.  We always have a smile when I say this out is a tiny patch for growing a few things for the kitchen, but since it is in full view from the conservatory like to keep it looking nice.

We had gravel areas and no lawn in our previous garden but not a specific planned gravel garden for planting into.

For the gravel area which I wanted to plant into, the grass which had been burnt dry, and the ground fried up hard as terre battue, was covered with a good double layer of cardboard.  All of this was saved from  our delivery of  bathroom fittings, kitchen cupboards etc..It was held down with stones waiting for the delivery of finer grade of stone than the one used on the paths.  CRS our local buidlers' merchants sent a lorry with a long arm and the large cubic metre bags were lifted over the back fence...and we moved barrow loads using an already battered wheelbarrow kindly lent to us by neighbours.  The difference in gravel size does add some interest and a good foil for some of my geology specimens.

Testing out the new seating area

At least a seating area for us to sit and chat during my sister's visit

Planting areas without gravel were topped with compost, and I started to pray for rain.

Six - Planting in the gravel garden 

2019 has been the year of planting into the gravel garden.  2020 will see a variety of bulbs emerging.

In conclusion this was a very effective way of preparing the garden.  When planting I can see that the ground in the beds and under the gravel is in excellent condition.  We have an army of worms, beetles and other creatures who have taken down the compost, we have had no compaction issues, and the drainage even with the heavy rain has worked well.  As I am the gardener the digging in the conventional way would have meant delay and frustration as on this clay soil it is often too wet or too hard and dry to be able work it.

Monday, 25 November 2019

In a Vase on Monday - Still flowering

Just like Cathy who hosts this weekly gathering, it seems to have become a habit to mention the weather: low light, a gentle stirring insufficient to dry anything off  but frost free, is what we are experiencing today and it seems set in ,with the 'promise' of rain for a few more days,

The front garden is only just past 'the twinkle in my eye' stage.  All of the components this week are courtesy of plants from there.  Agapanthus Charlotte which I featured on SOS continues to amaze.  Only planted out in September, they have continued to flower.  The flowers on Agapanthus Charlotte do not set seed, but we shall see how the plants perform next year.  The downside is that already the pollen of the agapanthus is affecting me, so this is probably the one and only time it will be picked for IAVOM.

A few stems of Lonicera nitida 'Baggensen's Gold from plants I established two and three years ago, and a leaf of a hardy geranium which had blue flowers complete the small arrangement. I found this hardy geranium growing amongst bluebells in the front side border, growing very poorly, and over the last two years moved bits.  There are nice clumps now established between the Lonicera which border the parking space.  I have spent a little time trying to identify it, but have now given up.  Gold star to anyone who helps identify this geranium.  Whilst trawling different pictures of autumn coloured leaves of hardy geraniums I came across Geranium 'Orion', which I have now added to my list of plants to look out for next year. 

Sunday, 24 November 2019

A Bird in the Hand - Chicken with prunes in red wine

I'm often inspired by friends' recommendations, so when Mandy revealed her 'presents to herself' and one of them was 'A Bird in the Hand' by Diana Henry, I added that book to my Libraries West list.  I had an email this week to say that it was in.  Having brought it home, I have been dipping in and reading recipes during the waiting for the coffee to cool times etc.

Before I go farther, I must say thank you to Mandy and other friends real and blogging ones too who share their finds, through a conversations caught when meeting up with friends in the street or at other gatherings etc.

I've cooked with prunes before, usually a gamey affair, and also cooked with red wine, but I wouldn't have considered using these with chicken.  As the chicken went through its various stages, layers of flavour were added.  The final touch was the herb crust.

The only thing I added was some lemon thyme from the garden, just because I had it and love thyme and chicken.

I'll be ordering this book...and removing a couple of older books from the shelves.  The only recipe so far that I probably won't be cooking here is the 'ginger beer can chicken' as we don't barbecue, but it sounds fun and maybe I would like to try it. I may suggest we cook this during the Summer as part of our WI gourmet club.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Six on Saturday - 23 November 2019

Here in South West England we have escaped the floods, but it has still been exceeding wet.  The design of the back garden with gravel paths and stepping stones is paying off, as I have been able to go out and pick herbs and do a little gardening around the edges.

In the gravel area the Eryngium Silver Ghost looks safe enough from excess wet.  After having been given the seed by John Massey earlier this year, it was sown straight onto gravel and after emerging early spring it has been growing on except for being a little nibbled by pest unknown.  I had so much seed from the couple of seedheads and after I had cleaned and sorted the seed had sufficient to share with a number of friends.


We have had our first frost which left a white glaze over the rooftops, and slowly the leaves are turning and falling.  I have two Ben Sarek blackcurrant bushes in this bed, bought in February 2018.  Instructions on fruit growing advise that the stems are cut back low when planting.  Nothing wasted here, and from these I took cuttings and earlier this year I planted up all the rooted cuttings near Gooseberry corner.  I would like to keep this area clear for growing salads and other little bits of veggies, so after I have picked the fruit this summer, they will be dug out.


The Acer continues with its glowing bright leaves, but today I could discern a little bare twig so it must have its place this week, as it may well be bare next Saturday.  Acers in neighbouring gardens are also putting on a great show this week.


The smallest shrub in the garden is still growing in a pot, and I think it will remain a pot shrub. Hebe Buchananii Minor will take about 10 years to reach 10cm x 15cm.  I first acquired it early 2017.  I think I would need tweezers and a magnifying glass to take and make cuttings.


Contrasts in colour, form and texture can help bring interest even when flowering is over.  Here Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' has bounced back after a trim and with its flat matt purple colour is contrasting nicely with the adjacent silver and green variegated leaved  Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'.  


Still flowering in November are the three Agapanthus Charlotte.  This is a sterile cultivar and doesn't set seeds.  These are planted out in the front garden which is taking on a 'Mediterranean' theme.  I planted them quite deep, and will be heaping up the bark over the crowns.  Maybe it is risky leaving them out,  let us hope they come through.  Had I known at the time of buying them that they are borderline hardy I may not have bought them.  I think these will feature next week in my In a Vase on Monday post.

Its off to see what the Prop and other have posted this week.....soggy sagas for sure.

Monday, 18 November 2019

In a Vase on Monday - November Beauties

Every November seems to be different....the slight touch of frost last night has had a patchy effect, and shown up where the most protected parts of the garden area.  A few flowers have managed to come through unharmed.

Grace with her beautiful apricot blooms has been a fabulous rose this year.  Joining her are Fuchsia Tom West from the plant that wasn't frosted and Solanum laxum 'Album' which seems to go on flowering forever.

With IAVOM and contributors to Cathy's weekly gathering, we also have flowers from more exotic and warmer places, I'll be admiring a few of these shortly.  Cathy's post shows some Phantastie chrysanthemums.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Parsnip Soup

Arriving home yesterday, a couple of 'things' lay outside our front door.  Home grown and fresh, and having been an 'allotmenteer' I recognised  freshly dug parsnips.  Even with the multi branching roots which they are not really meant to have, I knew they would be tasty.

After a certain amount of brushing and cutting off the long thin bits to get all the mud off, they were ready, but for what?  Its cold and so what better than a cream of parsnip soup.  Butter, onions, parsnips with skin on, milk, water, sage, salt and pepper, nutmeg,  and blue cheese, and toppings of roasted hazelnuts more sage and half and half butter and olive oil.

Lunch today, and enough for another lunch for two for another time.  Thanks to our neighbours for passing on supplies from relatives.

Kefir Cheese starter

First Goat's milk Kefir cheese that I have made enjoyed as starter, with apricot and rosemary sourdough bread, and garnish.

Saturday night starter goat's milk kefir on rye sourdough toasted with drizzle of homemade pesto and roasted red pepper  and chili sauce.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Six on Saturday - 16 November 2019

It comes to that time of the year when my interests seem to edge away from the garden.  Maybe it is because the weather has been so fowl.  Maybe a slight frost this week has helped autumn colours to develop.  The Prop who gathers us together is keeping going with cuttings etc., so do check out if you have time, what others are coming up with.  Unlike the Prop and many other gardeners, I have no compost heap, no greenhouse, or coldframe...but I adapt to what I have.

Here are my six.....


Last Sunday was a reasonable day and I was able to get into the garden for a little while.  Last week  other gardeners had posted about planting bulbs in hundreds.  Although I had planted up a few several weeks ago, I just had to get a few Crocus sativus in the ground.  I had popped out to garden centre, to look for large pots and gloves, but came away these.  I  planted them up in the gravel garden, and surrounded the area with old oyster shells with just their upper edge showing just to mark the area.  What is strange is that the information on the pack says 'not for eating'.  I know that the bulbs are not for eating...but oh boy when those stigmas are dried then added to baking or a savoury dish they certainly are!  The bulbs had started to sprout, and really ought to have been planted out much I asked for a discount, and got them half price.


Up around the garden, without a shadow of a doubt, next year I shall have to be pulling out young oak trees.  It has been a bumper year for the small acorns, and as I was planting out the crocus, jays were performing acrobatics as they balanced to reach acorns that grow at the end of the pliable evergreen Holm Oak shoots.  The squirrels are growing very fat indeed on them.  In the summer I have a mulch as they shed some of their older leaves, and in autumn the ground is covered in the cups and missed or half eaten acorns.  I like to leave these on the ground as we get Redwings and Fieldfares later in the winter.   Maybe in addition to all the insects they search out the acorns..   The tiny fibers are Mr S's whiskers...his beard trimmings get spread over the garden!


All manner of things sprout up, and I like to get rid of them as soon as I can tell whether they are welcome volunteers or not.  When digging up these shoots with the telltale vertical pleats,  a few came up with the date stone still  attached, and this confirmed my suspicions.  During the summer we were jettisoning  our date stones when we are eating out in the garden.


And we have had too much rain, but in between the sun reveals autumn colours  As I stood in the conservatory looking out, my eye was caught by the bright yellow colour of the leaves of Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise growing nearby.


The new foliage on Loropetalum Chinense  Fire Dance also catches the light on the other side of the gravel.   Small buds point towards a pretty show of spidery pink flowers in a few weeks time.  For now, I am very happy with its shiny brightly coloured leaves that make a fine show at the tips of the darker burgundy  mature leaves.  This is a shrub I have long admired, and managed to a find nicely shaped plant up.  I have it growing in a pot along with a couple of cyclamen hederifolium, one with interesting patterned leaves and the other silver.  As it get cooler, it will get moved in a more protected position by the front door.


Earlier this week I was scouring the garden for flowers for the Sixth Anniversary of In a Vase on Monday.  One of the small flower stem I started with was Nemesia Fruticans Pink Bicolour Imp.  I hadn't used it during the year and as everything else that went into the miniature posy had, I felt I ought to add at least one new element. The nemesia has been flowering ever since it was planted during the summer.  I may try some cuttings next week.  It may be a little late, but I shall try rooting them on the windowsill.

Nemesia Fruticans Pink Bicolour Imp

Friday, 15 November 2019

Apple D'Arcy Spice Tree Annual Update

My little apple tree is still thriving.  It was first planted in December 2016.  Last year it bore 2 fruit having been severely thinned down.

This spring the flowers on Apple D'Arcy Spice started to open around 20th April 2019.

All the flowers set, but I thinned them down allowing just six fruit.  We have no other apples in the garden, but there is another apple tree about 25m away, a cooker of unknown variety.

A warm and sunny summer, with low rainfall was followed by an exceedingly dull and wet autumn .  The tree was heavily watered about every two weeks during the dry spell, but would have had water from the watering of the French Beans growing nearby, as well.

Late October sunshine on the tree shows up the wear and tear and damage to the leaves from some sort of mining moth probably Apple Leaf Mining Moth.

7 November 2019
Apple D'Arcy Spice

Earlier in the year, one stem only was infected with black aphids, with their black ant farmers, and was regularly washed off or crushed.  In the end, I cut off the shoot as if to summer prune.  No further parts were affected.

The apples when growing on the tips bend the branches down.

A full tree picture shows that the main stem is still relative thin.  The tree is unstaked and in a sheltered position.

27 October 2019

During the end of October and Early November there were days of high winds.  On 3 November one apple was found to be missing...and had had a soft landing, unblemished.

Ahead of predictions of severe gales the remaining fruit was picked.  The fruit did not experience any frosts in that time.

3/11/2019  143g
8/11/2019 260g, 253g, 207g, 166g, 118g

6 Fruit total weigh 1147g...(last year two fruit 350g total weight)

All the fruit were sound and in good condition.  wrapped in paper and now stored in the shed.

I have since read that fruit have a strong stem, and can resist strong winds....they were still fairly difficult to break off, and so maybe they would have been better left longer.  As we have mainly dreary and wet days, with little sunshine predicted, I decided to pick all the apples on 8 November.

End of season summary
Last leaf fall 6th December 2019

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Day course on Fermented Drinks and Vegetables

Yesterday I drove down to deepest Somerset for an 'Introduction to Fermented Drinks and Vegetables'. 

Katie Venner in addition to being well versed in matters fermented, last year with Jo Webster achieved the World Record for Sauerkraut with the help of a team of people in Wells, Somerset.  

A steep flight of steps leads up from the road to the cabin on the edge of a disused quarry.  Large boxes of cabbages, cauliflowers etc freshly delivered that morning stood outside in the cool.  A warm welcome from Katie and  the brightly lit workshop with the table heaving with fermented drinks and vegetables made me forget the long journey, and prepared me for an exciting day ahead.

With everyone settled, drinks were offered, and we started on our 'breakfasts' prepared to showcase the way fermented foods can be incorporated into the rhythm and flow of our days. The first one was cooked apples topped with a baked granola and coconut milk kefir, the second was pinhead oats soaked overnight in milk kefir topped with fresh raspberries.

The morning passed with much tasting, explanations, and discussions about making and looking after scobys.  Katie covered Kombucha, Water and Milk and coconut Kefir, fruit shrubs and drinking vinegars.

We almost groaned at the thought of actually eating lunch...but after a break to clear the table and bring in lunch, we reconvened and enjoyed a delicious meal...with of course a wide range fermented foods and drinks already on the table.

After lunch we all got hands on and created in pairs a 'wild' ferment, and covered all sort of areas which would help us create our own in the future.  The techniques, of mixing in salt and stuffing the jars, and making a covering to ensure all the veggies were totally submerged, were covered.

To end the session,  Katie had some of us chopping while she assembled a large bowl of Kimchi.  We all came home with a small pot to continue its fermentation at home. With tips of where to get the Korean red chilli powder and finding out that you can make your own Kimchi without fish sauce or paste, I feel that I could easily make this at home.

To send us on our way resident baker Fleur Hoyle, who had prepared lunch, served up a delicious dark gingerbread cake, topped with lemon drizzle, with drinks all round.  Along with Katie Venner and her partner Gordon Woodcock, Fleur is part of the team and takes the baking classes.

In addition to the two ferments, we came home with scobys to start our own Kombucha, milk and water keffirs, and printed guidelines.  One of the tips was to mark the jars with details! Another was to observation, taste, take notes etc....

The kefir that I have been using is going to have a little rest, covered in milk, somewhere at the back of the fridge, and I have set up Tracebridge's with a new covering of goat's milk.  With the kefir just strained off, I am going to try to make some kefir cheese.  Katie had made some for us to taste, and  there was very little left after lunch!

Katie did warn about leakage from fermenting jars, which is why I put the jars on a dish in the utility.  I've decided to cover them with a little cloth, which I had embroidered.  This morning juices had seeped from both jars.

My Kenilworth friend Kay sent me the 'kit and instructions'.

I used to make and share baked red cabbage with Kay...another thread has now inspired me to try  a red cabbage ferment.  

Although I do drive, by and large, Mr S likes to take the wheel when we travel anywhere together, which is something I am perfectly happy with.  Round and about locally I like to walk or cycle, so this was a drive the length and difficulty being one I haven't undertaken for years.  The journey back was almost terrifying, as there was torrential rain and it was dark, and along the roads huge lorries would come right up the back within a few feet. This behaviour is so dangerous, as I really could not go any faster, with visibility poor and breaking distance compromised by all the lying water .  On the motorway going down, a traffic safety vehicle came alongside me and very shortly a large lorry that was acting in a very dangerous backed off to a much safer breaking distance, for which I was very grateful.  At least I got home knowing that I could manage a fairly taxing drive.

Altogether a great course....would have been better in the summer with longer days!

Monday, 11 November 2019

In a Vase on Monday - Anniversary posy

For our sixth anniversary, Cathy has set us a challenge of making a  very small affair to fit a 15cm cube.  The whole arrangement including vase does indeed sit within this space. It isn't compulsory to have made a small arrangement and no doubt there will be several arrangements from other friends to mark this occasion.

With only a whisper of a frost on Saturday night, it was a delight to comb the garden on Sunday, and cut flowers in sunshine.  The acer in the corner with autumn colours testify to the season

Photo in the conservatory with small clock with date just so that I can say 'I can't believe it is not November' but yet it is nearly mid November and bumble bees were on the wing visiting flowers today.  A friend posted a link to Michael McIntyre's sketch on this which made me laugh!  He didn't mention in that my garden still had loads of flowers and there were bumblebees and butterflies still on the wing.

One flower that has yet to feature or get mentioned on the blog is Nemesia Fruticans Pink Bicolour Imp. which has been a star in the garden, since I planted it mid summer. It is very small and was planted just on the edge of the circle.  I picked it up from one of the plant sellers on a visit to the local mid week market in Wells.

List of material:

Nemesia Fruticans Pink Bicolour Imp, with its small snapdragon like flowers

Corydalis  ochroleuca aka Pseudofumaria alba, with lovely brightgreen leaves and white blooms

Fuchsia microphyilla 'Silver Linings', the tiniest of fuchsias in my garden.

Astrantia Major 'Sunningdale Variegated'
Can't believe this is still flowering

Fuchsia Hawkshead
Growing a little too big, and requiring a severe pruning in the spring

Centaurea Montana Alba, the last bloom of the year

Persicaria Red Dragon, as always specially for Cathy

Verbena rigida, with tiny purple flowers

 Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver', seems to have a flower throughout, and lovely bright variegated leaves

Lophomyrtus ralphii Little Star, I must try to propagate this next year. 

Erigeron karvinskianus: a pretty little daisy perennial but doesn't seem to self seed...but have propagated from cuttings.

As all of these plants were doing so well and I had picked some material, I could not decide what not to use.  As a mark of the type of late season performers, and the warm but wet autumn we have had in 2019, they are all included.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Wet Saturday in the Kitchen

On Friday,  we had a little turn round Shepton Mallett..and had coffee and tea and cake at Loaf.  The lovely sourdough in the window was the thing that attracted us in.  However Mr S's cinnamony chocolaty bun was a total failure.  I had taken one look at this and thought NO!  We have come up with a code:  in future he is going to say to me before he makes up his mind: "Do you think I would like this?"  If I say no, it means it won't be any good!  The bun was a bland colour as if it was only part baked.  It turned out less than cooked, and the dough was not an enriched one at all.

Saturday was a complete wash out a little baking therapy!  I just love Almond Croissants, but don't bake these feeling that croissants with all their butter and time taken over laminations require too much exercise to work off the calories.  Last time I made them was 2013.

I made an enriched dough, using goat's butter and milk, eggs etc and then made up an almond and pistachio marzipan to stuff the brioches dough.  Leaving the shaped buns to rise overnight in the fridge meant they were baked this morning.  The pistachio slivers were added five minutes before the end along with one of the layers of sugar glaze, and this way they don't get scorched!  Some for neighbours and some for the freezer too.

Another time I would allow the bulk rise overnight, and the shaping in the morning.  This time the fridge was so cold, that the shaped buns needed another three hours rising after coming out of the fridge.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Six on Saturday - 9 November 2019 - Soggy with some sunshine

In a week that have brought us spells of very heavy rain, there has also been moments of glorious Autumn Sunshine.  Mr S and I have cleaned down the conservatory inside and out to perfection, and since the light levels have been so low have decided not to hang up the ceiling shading for the moment.  They are all washed, dried and stowed away....

Last week I did post my SOS but failed to notice until very late that I had not put up a if you want to peek there here is your chance to have 'two for one'.  Well done on the propagator for noticing and making a supportive comment.  Again he has something to interest all his gardening friends...with great pictures, my favourite this week being his Fatsia.

Looking out towards one corner of the garden, (1) the Acer is changing colour, and is in the perfect position to reflect the sunshine in the afternoon and add an autumnal note to the garden.  There is quite a space behind it, and this is where in the lee of the wall that I have decided to place the 'Winter Hedgehog Quarters'.  Too late to make up this year, but a nice project to work on in the next few weeks, with a little help from Mr S. As you can tell up to last night at least we have not yet had a frost.  I have just peered out and the nasturtiums are still in fine form this Saturday morning.

A new plant to the garden and to me is (2) Amsonia hubrichtii.  Here it is with its narrow needle shaped leaves turning golden yellow.  According to the RHS it comes from Arkansas and I have just read that there they have wet it is probably feeling quite comfortable.  The low morning light shining through helps this stand out in the Autumn Garden. By this time next year it will be much larger, and may well be on the 'to be moved' list.

I am sure most gardens will have (3) Hylotelephium Autumn Joy.  This is one of the few plants that came with the garden.  I divided it up and replanted smaller pieces...and I can see that the ones given to neighbours are also thriving.  Just as an aside, we saw a small tortoiseshell butterfly in the garden yesterday sunning itself on the back wall. Whilst on the subject of creepy crawlies, we cleared way  several Noble False Widow spiders from the Conservatory.

This week I have been on more than a little about the light.  It has shown up some plants to great effect.  I had to move all the plants which were close by the conservatory, to accommodate the scaffolding which Mr S used to clean down the roof of the C.  (4) The Hakonechloa macra Aureola Grasses were moved out from the shade towards the middle of the garden.  They look great at the edge of the seating area, so I've decided for my birthday to have two nice large pots to transfer these into..not too heavy so that they can be moved.  Those grasses deserve to have some decent pots now that their old ones are breaking up.  They were old and second hand to start up with.

Close by the conservatory are two (5) Rose bushes: Grace, and despite the heavy rain they are putting up a few blooms even in November. Only the fully open and fading flowers seem to struggle with the rain.

Now the Cyclamen Hederifolium are the sole players on my shed shelf, as they deserve full attention.  Just one for your eyes this week:  (6) Cyclamen Hederifolium Silver Shield.  

In the garden in the snowdrop and cyclamen zone, many of the coums are coming into leaf.